Advertising is fast becoming more personalized, automated, immersive, experiential, and measurable. And all that enabling technology behind the scenes is helping advertisers reach new, creative heights.
Just have a look at the below mentioned 15 amazing facts about the current global advertising scenario.
1. In 2019, worldwide digital ad spending will rise by 17.6% to $333.25 billion. That means, for the first time, digital will account for roughly half of the global ad market.
2. Samsung was the world’s largest advertiser in 2018, with total spend on advertising and sales promotion at $11.2 billion. It took the top spot from P&G, with an estimated $10.5 billion on advertising and other marketing costs.
3. A growing number of consumers appear to be more amenable to voice advertising. In May, 43% of survey respondents stated they find voice ads less intrusive compared with TV, print, online, and social—up from 38% in January—and 42% found voice ads to be more engaging, up from 39%.
4. Also notable, 39% of people who heard a voice ad later went on to purchase the item. In addition, 35% said they don’t skip through voice ads, suggesting people will listen to voice ads as a trade-off for a free service.
5. This year, US advertisers will spend nearly $60 billion on programmatic display, or 84.9% of the US digital display ad market. By 2021, 88%, or $81 billion, of all US digital display ad dollars will transact programmatically.
6. The human brain needs 400 milliseconds (less than a half-second) to engage with mobile advertising and trigger an imprint, positive or negative. This means consumer time and attention can’t be taken for granted. By the time it takes for their hearts to beat once, they have very likely formed an emotional response.
7. Video completion rates for ads on connected TV continue to perform better than those of all other platforms. In Q1 2019 they hit the highest number ever at 97%. Thirty-second ads accounted for 69% of all CTV ads, an 18% increase over the prior quarter.
8. Ad spend on addressable TV will hit $3.3 billion by 2020, a 343% spike since 2016. Still, only 15% of advertisers regularly include addressable TV in their ad buys to date.
9. Among their clients’ biggest advertising headaches, the top three identified by agencies were walled data silos (44%), integrating data across channels (41%), and personalizing consumer experiences without violating privacy (36%).
10. Sixty percent of consumers said they’ve looked up a product or service after hearing an ad during a podcast. In addition, 25% of them have purchased a product they discovered through a podcast ad.
11. Fifty percent of Generation Z and 42% of Millennials identified social media as the most relevant advertising channel.
12. When asked which forms of paid social media they regularly use, 72% of marketers say they most often use traditional Facebook ads (7% use Facebook Messenger ads), followed by Instagram ads, with 31% of marketers using paid ads on the platform.
13. Nearly 20% of American consumers have bought something because of an influencer or blogger versus 10% who have purchased something because of a celebrity.
14. Inclusive ads are 25% more effective and more emotionally engaging than non-inclusive ads.
15. Out-of-home (OOH) advertising revenue rose 4.5% in 2018 compared to the previous year, accounting for $8 billion. OOH experienced increases in all four primary formats–billboards, street furniture, transit, and place-based–with the digital platforms of each OOH format representing 29% of total 2018 revenue. (Source: Internet)