The consumer price inflation between mid-February and mid-March this year moderated to 4.82 percent, from 5.01 percent in the previous month.
The Current Macroeconomic and Financial Situation Report of Nepal unveiled by Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) on Thursday shows that the slow rate of price hike of both food and non-food items led to the cooling down of the heat of inflation for consumers. The year-on-year consumer price inflation pacified in mid-March 2024 compared to 7.44 percent in the review month a year ago.
According to the NRB, food and beverage category inflation stood at 5.94 percent whereas non-food and service category inflation stood at 3.95 percent last month. Under the Food and Beverage Category, the year-on-year price index of spices sub-category increased 28.17 percent, vegetable 14.07 percent, pulses and legumes 11.22 percent, cereal grains and their products 7.35 percent and milk products and eggs 7.11 percent. On the other hand, the price index of ghee and oil sub-category decreased 11.79 percent in the review month.
Under the non-food and services category, the year-on-year price index of the recreation and culture sub-category increased 12.61 percent, the highest of all. The price index of education hiked 7.31 percent, while that of transportation decreased 1.15 percent last month.
The consumer price inflation in the Kathmandu Valley stood at 4.88 percent, down from 7.95 percent. Likewise, the price hike in Terai, was lowered to 4.42 percent from 7.50 percent, hilly region to 5.49 percent from 6.67 percent and that of mountain region was down to 4.42 percent from 8.07 percent in the review month.