Khalanga, January 8 Nepal Telecom (NT), Jumla branch has launched 4G internet service at the district headquarters, Khalanga. It was launched with the help of three towers, according to NT, Jumla branch office chief Ramchandra Shrestha. One tower is based within the office, the second has been installed on a cliff above Acharyabada and the third is placed at Bharatibada. The service has further strengthened the speed of the internet which can be enjoyed by staying homes.
It is expected to strengthen the information flow system hereby ensuring people’s access to information from home and abroad. Three wards: 3, 4 and 5 under the Guthichaur rural municipality have presently access to the latest version of internet provided by the NT and ward offices here are making its use for its official activities.
It is equally beneficial for mobile data users, office chief Shrestha said. Earlier, the Jumla folks were using the 2G and 3G versions of the internet, according to a local Nara Rawat. RSS