In the first three months of the current fiscal year 2022/23, TV sets worth more than Rs 580 million were imported into Nepal from various countries.
During the same period, different types of cameras worth around Rs 275 million also entered Nepal. In the three-month period from mid-July to mid-September of 2022, TV sets and cameras of the above-mentioned value entered Nepal through the formal channel.
According to the Customs Department, Nepal imported 33,822 television sets worth Rs 583,343,000 in the last three months. In the same time, 89,211 different types of cameras worth Rs 297,987,000 entered Nepal, according to the department.
In the first three months of last financial year 2021/22, Nepal imported 193,580 television sets worth Rs 890.9 million and 78,499 different types of cameras worth Rs 472.8 million.