Big projects from now onward may not get the recognition of national importance unless they are ensured with the financial sources for investment.
Endorsing the ‘Standards for Determining National Priority Projects 2022’ recently, the National Planning Commission (NPC) has fixed the guidelines for identifying the national priority projects. As per the new rule, the implementing body must show the financial sources and amount of funds to receive the high status for the projects.
As of now, the government authorities have been declaring haphazardly the high status projects. For instance, the government bodies concerned have already declared the Nijgadh International Airport a national pride project although it is not even confirmed whether the airport will be built.
In addition, the new rule also maintains that the project needs to submit a report of the environmental impact assessment while applying for high level status. Based on the fulfillment of the requirement, the secretary level of the ministries concerned can recommend the government to grant the status of national importance to those projects.
As of now there are 63 high status projects operating across the country. These projects have been categorized in transformational projects, national pride projects and national priority projects.
Apart from receiving multiple benefits, these projects are allocated with necessary logistics from the government level. The state prioritizes economic, social, infrastructure and government reform projects and maintains the budget for them.
All three tier governments—federal, provincial and local governments–can forward the projects under national importance. Projects costing more than Rs 100 million, which are run by the community, non-governmental sector or for social development, can also be given national priority status.