Construction works are gaining pace on the Parbat section under the north-south Kaligandaki Corridor, a national pride project. Up-gradation is being expedited along the Parbat and Syangja sections.
As shared, six contractors have stepped up their works to upgrade and blacktop the 54-km road section from Armadi, Parbat to Mirmi, Syangja along the Kaligandaki Corridor. Likewise, blacktopping from Mirmi to Falebas and Setibeni to Falebas are also gaining momentum.
Under the corridor, track opening of Falebas-Modibeni-Armadi road section has made a breakthrough, shared Project Information Officer Pabitramani Acharya.
The works that were disrupted due to rain on the road section have resumed. Earlier, up-gradation of the road section did not gain pace due to sheer ignorance of Surya Contractor that was entrusted for the same. Similarly, construction and up-gradation works along the Falebas-Modibeni-Armadi road section have also taken momentum.
The Modibeni-Armadi road section has recently come into operation. The Pacific Jaljala JV has blacktopped the seven-kilometer section from Setibeni to Ranipani of Parbat. The section has witnessed faster progress in up-gradation.
Now it is progressing for blacktopping stage, the Kaligandaki Project sources shared. Two contractors have ramped up their works in blacktopping the 22-km road from Ranipani to Falebas. The Mahalaxmi Pandey & Company has been entrusted with the responsibility for constructing and upgrading the section from Ranipani to Khabar ridge. Blacktopping has gained pace on the road section.
Likewise, Swachhanda World Wide Om Buddha JV has engaged its efforts to upgrade and blacktop 16-km section of the Kahabar ridge to Falebas, said information officer Acharya. The project has set a target to complete blacktopping on the Setibeni-Falebas road section this year.
Two contractors are working to upgrade and blacktop Mirmi-Setibeni road section. Kaligandaki corridor is also considered to be a Religious Highway. It has connected several religious spots from Lumbini to Muktinath. Likewise, the corridor is expected to reap benefits to the development of agriculture sector.
People’s elected representatives have also increased regular monitoring to push for the routine progress of up-gradation along the Kaligandaki corridor.