Nepal Chamber of Commerce is going to start an agricultural production campaign through the use of barren land.
Stating that the government has not been able to implement the policy of using barren land in the budget speech, the chamber is about to start a campaign to increase agricultural production through the use of vacant land. Chairman of the chamber Rajendra Malla said that they are cooperating with all the 77 district working committees and other stakeholders for this.
He said, “We are still importing more than Rs 200 crore annually by keeping the land barren in the agricultural country.” The chamber will coordinate everything necessary to attract the youth towards commercial farming. ‘
The Chamber has also decided to take initiative with the government for policy arrangement to adopt Israeli concept in Nepal’s agricultural sector. The Chamber has also taken information about the model of Israeli agricultural production with the Ambassador of Israel to Nepal Khanar Godar. Ambassador Godar said that the government has been able to become a leader in production in Israel by providing land for 100 years to the people engaged in agriculture and also providing investment and other technical assistance.
Although only 1.7 percent of Israelis are involved in agriculture, Godar said the country has become self-sufficient in food and exports through the latest technology.
“Agriculture is not a hobby in Israel,” he said. Farmers have made it a business. Have become an important part of life. ‘
The Nepal Chamber of Commerce is going to take initiative to open agricultural research and coordination center in the same province. He said that he would take initiative to open a research and coordination center in the same province through cooperation with the Israeli Chamber of Commerce.